For those who believe merely recognizing gender roles and sexism in
our society is counteracting patriarchy, please reconsider how (despite
our protests) we are still products of a patriarchal society. No one
would ever suggest simply recognizing the faults of a global economy is
sufficient enough to oppose its oppression, then continually engage in
free market capitalism (either as a consumer or a capitalist). As with
both examples, which of course illustrates patriarchal globalization
from the perspective of social relations enforcing pre-existing systems
of sexist institutions (which of course then reinforces our personal
behaviors)...there is a deep psychological manipulation used through
economic and social means that condition every person based on a role we
are programmed to believe we are destined to play. Meaning,
experiencing and/or seeing the injustices of patriarchy (or
globalization) and ethically opposing it in theory only deprogram our
faith in these systems, which does not necessarily change the
conditioning we've experienced up until that point. We no longer believe
it's our destiny to play the games of the government but we've still
been conditioned to fulfill certain roles.
Our habits and
tendencies are much harder to break than it is to simply change our
beliefs, which only takes a thought. Taking action, like to actually
stop biting your nails, requires will-power and many times of falling
back into the same pattern before your actions match up with your
thoughts, which already oppose biting your nails. Essentially,
with changing our daily habits, like when we decide to dumpster or grow
our own food than shop at the supermarket, or patch up our pants rather
than buy a new pair, we are rerouting our brain's pathways and
discovering new routes to go about the same situations (i.e. coming up
with a different coping mechanism when experiencing mild anxiety rather
than biting your nails).
Our pre-existing habits and social
behaviors is why anarchists, during meetings, purposely make room for
women to speak. The behaviors we've accumulated allows a social dynamic
of, for instance, men being more comfortable speaking and listened to
when being vocal which enables women to be less inclined to speak out
and opinions less respected. This is the process of eliminating
hierarchy through changing our habits.
It seems as though
every time I am at a social gathering, whether anarchist related or not,
not only do people talk past me to my boyfriend (as if I am not there)
but then unwittingly, he continues the cycle by leaving me no room to
speak, and by no means am I a shy or quiet person! Yet, there I am
staring at my feet hoping for a gap in the conversation where they may
or may not hear me due to the mere rapidness and exclusion of their
conversation. It makes sense that there is no need for my input
considering my boyfriend uses the words "we" and "us" to sum up my
experiences, as if he is my spokesperson and I feel awkward bringing up
topics that are out of context, as if I can't help but be a secondary
conversation partaker. Why, as well, do I fixate on gaining a couple
pounds when I am aware of the crisis of eating disorders and oppose this
consumer driven society that treats women as objects? The only logical
conclusion would be that these are knee jerk reactions.
of us aren't "good" anarchists; "good" meaning up to our ideal standards
of what anarchism opposes/stands up for. The failures of our attempted
revolutions, as with Occupy, is the unwillingness to reconcile our
behaviors to match our beliefs. I expect liberals to bring take-out to
the Occupations, but the anarchists...doing drugs, drinking PBRs (as if
drugs and alcohol aren't already the reason for failed
revolutions)'s a hypocrisy we are all guilty of (to some degree)
but we have the obligation to be the counter-point to these liberals.
It's not radical to support large corporations or fund wars due
to opiate addiction. What, in fact, is the difference between Chinese
take-out and PBRs? At least with the take out you probably aren't
supporting a large chain and also putting a little change in a family's
It is understandable to feel pressured by this society
of greed and oppression, especially as anarchists, but it's not
understandable to play into ignorance out of pride. We should recognize
our behaviors and hypocrisies as individuals and attempt to change them.
Look at the sophistication of television advertisements, enticing us
with bright colors, sounds and key words they know from research will
peak our interest. Companies are constantly conducting experiments on
willing participants (unwilling depending on your point of view) to find
ways to draw us in based on our biology and psychology. They know what
colors make us angry or excited, and how to make a jingle that can't get
out of our heads. I can't even look away from HD, it just looks so
cool, and I don't even know what I am watching half the time, because my
brain's pleasure receptors are being stroked so efficiently. Pulling
ourselves away becomes a constant struggle living in
There are similar problems with the
post-left anarchists who believe we are beyond labels, yet, how can you
be beyond patriarchy by just refusing to acknowledge it's existence and
not using the ideas and terminology to examine your behaviors? This is
why I meet men who refuse to acknowledge patriarchy exists and the same
reason why even though we know oil funds war, many of us end up at the
dealership ready to purchase a car... already prepared with excuses to
defend your decision... because it's convenient. Ethical decisions, I
assure you, are usually not convenient. This is also why so many people
are against the Anti-Civ folks. It's not impossible to live sustainably
with the environment, off the grid and rewild - it's just people are
afraid. Bugs, storms, diseases (most which would be eliminated outside
of civilization), not having all the foods they love; people are
dependent on the concrete structures to protect them from their fears
that have been instilled since birth. Most people would honestly, based
on their tendencies and habits, stay within capitalism, even when they
hate it, based on a laundry list of excuses and quotes from dead white
men who hoped technology would save humanity.
Revolutions fail
only because we prevent ourselves from succeeding. We are a society
based on realism instead of idealism, which traps us into being
"flywheels on the ram-shackle machinery of the awful truth" (Kurt
Vonnegut). We intellectualize things to a point of falling back into our
Babylonian prison cell. Sometimes we are duped into thinking we're
making a difference and then you look around you and notice your in a
group of white males 20-25 talking about minority issues when who knows
if any of these people personally knows one person of color. We must
witness our hypocrisies and become willing to fix them with the support
of our anarchist friends and not shoot down everyone who has a slightly
different theory. I do think that within time, people will abandon the
old anarchist syndicalist ways and become open minded to the
possibilities of life not dependent on technology, which can only
quicken the pace of the world's demise.
Revolutions take place,
first, within yourself. That is the main reason why Occupy countered
any attempts at mass uprising, because it tamed anarchists to work
within mainstream politics. Radicals failed to differentiate themselves
from liberals, due to the bureaucracy of large scale consensus, although
it is effective in small groups. As soon as Occupy clearly became a
reformist movement about better banking and so on, anarchists should
have broken up, back into our smaller groups, and took the opportunity
while Occupy was still making headlines to start a counter-Occupy
movement. Yet, because our theories do not sync up with our actual
practice, many of us were drawn into the game of democratic process and
trying to convince middle class people how to go about effective direct
action (to no avail).
There is no solidarity between
anarchists which leads us into petty discussions about theoretical
points instead of looking at practicality and possibility. For instance,
though anarcho-primitivisim is heavily criticized,( in my opinion for
an individual's co-dependency with civilization and fear of nature) you
will find a fear of feminism. Expecting the effects of patriarchal
civilization to magically dissipate into a peaceful feral community,
would be to expect HIStorical and archeological evidence to be accurate,
which, of course, is doctored and shaped by the society in which we
live. This is not to create an argument about whether or not
hunter-gatherer societies held the platform for hierarchy (which it
quite probably did considering here we are now) but more so to
acknowledge the influences this society already conditioned us with, and
to hold out the possibility that maybe the Unabomber had a point. The
validity and necessity of primitivisim should not be dependent on
whether or not natives were peaceful or at times violent. This is petty
arguing, and the reality is, to leave rewilding (which in actuality
would take generations to fully realize) the hefty task of eliminating
patriarchy based on faith of someone's research instead of taking extra
precaution to create a genderless society (specifically in regards to
division of labor) would be ignorant of the current attitudes of
individuals and their cultural influences. If on the other hand, people
applied these theories instead of debating with words we would see in
practice if in fact it is necessary to make genderless equality an issue
at the forefront instead of relying on what we were told worked for
Tribe A or Tribe B.
Close-mindedness, from liberals to
red/green/black anarchists among themselves, is our only detriment and
keeps us DE-radicalized. The very premise for anarchism is that we've
been conditioned to believe we need leaders, and as we all know reading
this, that is a lie, that before in theory leaders were believed
necessary until put into practice otherwise. Upon having the opportunity
to say what we've been dying to let the mainstream media know, we
cowardly watered ourselves down for the liberals and therefore played
right into the hands of our big, mean government machine. Revolutions
aren't futile, but with the Occupy let down, it will be difficult for
another mass movement, and perhaps different tactics are in order. For
now, I say unity, small collectives, and groups is, at the current time,
the only counter-point to the oppression we experience in the United
States, so working on ways to deviate from the capitalist system should
be number one priority. Hopefully others will see the possibilities of
our own creations once we stop dividing ourselves and mend our
hypocrisies. The failure of revolution? Our own thoughts left over from
our pre-anarchist days.
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